Have you ever wondered how sports glasses are made and which steps are needed?
A number of steps are necessary before a product can be launched. We tell you what is required from the idea to implementation and give you an exclusive insight into the development process of the sports glasses The VOLT. The glasses combine performance and style and have become the ultimate companion for sports enthusiasts.
The first drafts: This is how products are developed
The first step in the product development process is brainstorming. It's not just about collecting lots of ideas, but also considering customer needs and community feedback. After all, it should be a product for all outdoor sports enthusiasts. The basic idea for the new NAKED Optics product was clear from the very beginning: The VOLT should be a pair of sports glasses that meet the highest sporting demands. A freelance designer was hired for the development, who conzeptualized a design language for NAKED Optics. With the design language we try to stand out from the competition and make a statement. Our products should be just as unique as our community. After we decided on a design, it was converted into a 3D detail design and a manufacturing drawing was created to produce a first sample

From the sketches to the production
Once the CAD model has been constructed and the drawing is finalized, the first sample is printed. Up to this step not only creativity but also patience is required. The printed sample is put through its paces and additions are made. There are usually 3 to 4 feedback loops before the final decision is made and a stainless steel injection mold is made for the production. With this step you get closer and closer to the final production.
Innovation and perfection for sports enthusiasts
Almost there. After the injection mold has been produced, the final samples are ready to be made. This is sort of the final check before The VOLT goes into production. In the last steps, it is particularly important to check everything and clarify any final questions. As soon as the green light is given, everyone's creativity is needed again. In order to draw the attention of as many people as possible to The VOLT sports glasses, marketing strategies and sujets are required. The motto here is: the more creative and colorful, the better. With The VOLT, we have succeeded in developing sports glasses that you can be adapted to your needs a 100%. There are a total of 450 different color combinations, making it the perfect accessory for everyone. Convince yourself and create your individual sports glasses.

Credits: Florian Dorn